Unleashing the Power of Volibear in ARAM

Photo Volibear: Champion ARAM: Game mode

Volibear is a powerful and versatile champion in League of Legends, especially in the fast-paced and chaotic environment of ARAM. Understanding his abilities is crucial to maximizing his potential on the Howling Abyss. His passive, “The Relentless Storm,” allows Volibear to heal for a percentage of his maximum health when his health drops below a certain threshold, making him incredibly durable in team fights. His Q ability, “Thundering Smash,” allows him to charge towards an enemy, dealing damage and flipping them over his shoulder. This ability is great for engaging or catching out squishy targets in ARAM. His W ability, “Frenzied Maul,” empowers his next basic attack to deal bonus damage and also heals him for a percentage of his missing health, making it a great sustain tool in the heat of battle. His E ability, “Sky Splitter,” allows him to summon a lightning bolt at a target location, dealing damage and slowing enemies caught in the blast. This ability is perfect for zoning enemies or setting up engages for your team. Finally, his ultimate ability, “Stormbringer,” allows him to leap to a target location, slowing and damaging enemies in the area upon impact. This ability is great for initiating team fights or disrupting the enemy backline.

Volibear’s abilities make him a formidable force on the Howling Abyss, and understanding how to use them effectively is key to dominating with this champion in ARAM. His passive provides him with incredible sustain, allowing him to stay in the fight longer than most champions. His Q ability is a powerful engage tool, allowing him to catch out enemies and disrupt their positioning. His W ability provides him with sustain and burst damage, making him a threat in extended fights. His E ability is great for zoning and controlling space, allowing him to dictate the flow of team fights. Finally, his ultimate ability is a game-changer, allowing him to leap into the enemy team and cause chaos with its area of effect damage and slow. Understanding how to use these abilities in combination with each other is crucial to mastering Volibear in ARAM.

Key Takeaways

  • Volibear’s abilities include Thundering Smash, Frenzied Maul, Sky Splitter, and Thunder Claws
  • The ideal item set for Volibear in ARAM includes items like Sunfire Aegis, Mercury’s Treads, and Thornmail
  • Master Volibear’s combos and tactics by utilizing his abilities in quick succession for maximum impact
  • Positioning and map awareness are crucial for Volibear in ARAM to effectively engage and disengage in team fights
  • Team synergy and communication with Volibear is important for coordinating engages and maximizing his impact in ARAM
  • Countering enemy champions with Volibear in ARAM involves using his abilities to disrupt and take down high-priority targets
  • Tips for dominating with Volibear in ARAM include focusing on engaging and peeling for your team, as well as building tanky to withstand enemy damage

Building the Ideal Item Set for Volibear in ARAM

Building the ideal item set for Volibear in ARAM is essential for maximizing his potential as a frontline tank and disruptor. Starting with a Doran’s Shield or Doran’s Blade can provide Volibear with some early game sustain and durability, depending on the matchup and team compositions. Rushing items like Sunfire Aegis or Frostfire Gauntlet can provide Volibear with additional tankiness and crowd control, making him an even bigger threat in team fights. These items also provide him with area of effect damage, which can be incredibly impactful in the close quarters of the Howling Abyss. Building items like Spirit Visage or Adaptive Helm can further increase Volibear’s sustain and magic resistance, making him even more difficult to take down for the enemy team. Additionally, items like Thornmail or Randuin’s Omen can provide Volibear with additional crowd control and utility, making him an even bigger nuisance for the enemy team to deal with.

In addition to tank items, building some damage items can also be beneficial for Volibear in ARAM. Items like Titanic Hydra or Sterak’s Gage can provide him with additional burst damage and survivability, making him an even bigger threat in extended team fights. These items can also help Volibear push waves and take down turrets more effectively, allowing him to apply pressure on the map. Building the ideal item set for Volibear in ARAM requires a balance of tankiness, crowd control, and damage, allowing him to fulfill his role as a frontline disruptor for his team.

Mastering Volibear’s Combos and Tactics

Mastering Volibear’s combos and tactics is crucial for dominating with this champion in ARAM. Understanding how to effectively chain his abilities together can make a huge difference in team fights and skirmishes on the Howling Abyss. One effective combo is to start with his Q ability, “Thundering Smash,” to charge towards an enemy and flip them over your shoulder, followed by using his E ability, “Sky Splitter,” to slow and damage enemies caught in the blast. This can be followed up with his W ability, “Frenzied Maul,” to empower his next basic attack and deal bonus damage while healing him for a percentage of his missing health. Finally, using his ultimate ability, “Stormbringer,” to leap into the enemy team and cause chaos with its area of effect damage and slow can be devastating.

Another tactic to master with Volibear is understanding when to engage and when to peel for your teammates. Volibear’s Q ability can be used to catch out squishy targets or disrupt the enemy backline, while his E ability can be used to zone enemies or set up engages for your team. However, it’s also important to recognize when your team needs peeling and use your abilities to protect your carries from enemy threats. Understanding how to effectively use Volibear’s abilities in different situations is crucial for mastering this champion in ARAM.

Positioning and Map Awareness with Volibear in ARAM

Metrics Value
Kills 10
Assists 15
Deaths 5
Damage Dealt 25000
Damage Taken 30000
Wards Placed 8

Positioning and map awareness are crucial for success with Volibear in ARAM. As a frontline tank and disruptor, it’s important to position yourself in a way that allows you to engage on the enemy team while also protecting your own carries from threats. Understanding when to engage and when to peel for your teammates is key to making an impact on the Howling Abyss. Additionally, maintaining map awareness and keeping an eye on the minimap can help you anticipate enemy movements and set up plays for your team.

One important aspect of positioning with Volibear is understanding when to flank the enemy team. Flanking can catch the enemy off guard and disrupt their positioning, allowing your team to capitalize on their disarray. However, it’s also important to be mindful of your own positioning and not overextend into the enemy team without proper backup from your teammates. Maintaining map awareness can help you identify opportunities to flank or engage on the enemy team while also avoiding potential traps or ganks from the enemy.

Team Synergy and Communication with Volibear

Team synergy and communication are essential for success with Volibear in ARAM. As a frontline tank and disruptor, it’s important to coordinate with your teammates to make the most of your engages and peeling efforts. Communicating with your team about when you plan to engage or peel can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and ready to follow up on your plays. Additionally, understanding how your abilities synergize with your teammates’ abilities can help you maximize your impact on the Howling Abyss.

One way to synergize with your team as Volibear is to coordinate engages with other crowd control abilities on your team. For example, if you have a teammate with a strong area of effect stun or root, you can coordinate your engages to chain your crowd control together and lock down multiple enemies at once. Additionally, communicating with your teammates about when you plan to use your ultimate ability, “Stormbringer,” can help ensure that everyone is ready to follow up on your engage and capitalize on the chaos you create.

Countering Enemy Champions with Volibear in ARAM

Understanding how to counter enemy champions with Volibear in ARAM is crucial for adapting to different matchups and team compositions on the Howling Abyss. One way to counter certain champions is by building items that provide specific resistances or crowd control reduction. For example, building items like Spirit Visage or Adaptive Helm can provide you with additional magic resistance against champions with heavy magic damage, while building items like Mercury’s Treads can reduce the duration of crowd control effects from champions with strong crowd control abilities.

Another way to counter enemy champions with Volibear is by understanding their strengths and weaknesses and adapting your playstyle accordingly. For example, if you’re facing a champion with strong poke or long-range abilities, you may need to play more defensively and look for opportunities to engage when they’re out of position. On the other hand, if you’re facing a champion with strong engage or crowd control abilities, you may need to focus on peeling for your teammates and disrupting their engages.

Tips for Dominating with Volibear in ARAM

Dominating with Volibear in ARAM requires a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and teamwork. One tip for dominating with Volibear is to focus on farming early game to build up gold and experience for your items and abilities. While ARAM doesn’t have traditional farming like Summoner’s Rift, focusing on last-hitting minions and participating in team fights can help you build up gold and experience more quickly.

Another tip for dominating with Volibear is to communicate with your team about your engages and peeling efforts. Letting your teammates know when you plan to engage or peel can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and ready to follow up on your plays. Additionally, understanding how your abilities synergize with your teammates’ abilities can help you maximize your impact on the Howling Abyss.

In conclusion, mastering Volibear in ARAM requires a deep understanding of his abilities, itemization, combos, tactics, positioning, map awareness, team synergy, communication, countering enemy champions, and tips for dominating. By honing these skills and applying them effectively in game, players can become formidable forces on the Howling Abyss as they charge into battle as Volibear.

If you’re interested in learning more about Volibear in ARAM, be sure to check out Chuck Saden’s article on the topic. In his article, he provides valuable insights and strategies for playing Volibear in the fast-paced ARAM game mode. You can read the full article here.


What is Volibear in League of Legends?

Volibear is a champion in the popular online game League of Legends. He is a powerful and durable melee tank with the ability to deal significant damage to his enemies.

What is ARAM in League of Legends?

ARAM stands for “All Random All Mid” and is a game mode in League of Legends where players are randomly assigned a champion and must battle it out on a single lane map called the Howling Abyss.

How does Volibear perform in ARAM?

Volibear can be a strong pick in ARAM due to his tankiness and crowd control abilities. His ability to engage and disrupt enemy teams can be very effective in the close-quarters combat of the Howling Abyss.

What are some key tips for playing Volibear in ARAM?

Some key tips for playing Volibear in ARAM include building tanky items to maximize his durability, using his Q ability to engage or escape, and timing his ultimate ability to maximize its impact in team fights.

What are some common item builds for Volibear in ARAM?

Common item builds for Volibear in ARAM include items like Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage, and Thornmail to increase his tankiness and provide crowd control effects for the enemy team. Additionally, items like Dead Man’s Plate and Gargoyle Stoneplate can also be effective choices.

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